Every morning we prayed for an hour before the chapel, then we went to the school. It was a great privilege to be a part of the school. I learned to trust the Lord and step out in faith, listen and serve the  Lord. I LOVE JESUS.  My favorite meetings were the Saturday prayer meetings. Pastor Roy Johnson would most often led the meetings. The Word was read, we sang, testified  and prayed for missionaries, the sick, for GIs, for other churches or ministers,  Bible school, Sunday meetings, Philadelphia church and lot of other things and the Lord answered. We sang with our hearts. We gave offerings. One time it was a jeep to an African evangelist. It was paid and delivered to him, on the street in Africa: Hilarious giving. Or an offering for a radio station which was built in Alaska: KING JESUS NORTH POLE.  Somtimes there were fights in the Spirit , or times there were great victories won. We sang about the blood of JESUS and the victory of  JESUS. Pastor Johnson let the HOLY SPIRIT lead the meetings. I learned that JESUS IS LORD, THAT HE LOVES ME MORE THAN HIMSELF. JESUS GAVE HIS LIFE FOR ME . JESUS IS MY SAVIOR, KING, BROTHER, LEADER AND FRIEND. JESUS IS THE BEGINNING AND THE END. I would drop everything to go to Saturday evening  prayermeetings. It was a POWER filled HOLY GHOST MEETING , from 19:30 to about 22:00.   WOW!  WHAT A TIME!

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